Sunday, July 11, 2010

What does fame cost?

"You've got big dreams? You want fame? Well, fame costs. And right here is where you start paying ... in sweat." Debbie Allen in the movie FAME (2009)

Those are the opening lines of the movie in which a captivating story is told about a bunch of highly talented performing arts students who dream to make it big in their chosen field!

I got thinking ... what does fame cost really ??? What is achievement ?? Why do we need achievement? I mean ... i try things... I really try my hand at things ....
sometimes it works out .. sometimes it doesn;t... the times it works out .. things go fine. Things aren't astounding. The reason is .. am not sweating it out.

The results of my actions don't amaze me. They are just ordinary. and I am left feeling unfulfilled. What should I do to get over this feeling. This insomnia every night. The answer to this question lies in the 1st line of this post and also in a ZEN quote !!

I am not successful because I dont want that thing bad enough... how much badly Do I need it?? I shudn't be able to breathe without it. Right now .. right at this moment.. for my survival .. do I need to watch TV? do I merit that sleep? the lounging around the house? No, right now for my survival .. I need to reach my goal, get that thing, up my game and then find another goal and fight for survival! I need to be sweating it out right now to get FAME !!

This article beautifully crafted, merits a read

On a more philanthropic note,
"A hundred times everyday I remind myself that my inner and outer lives are based on the labour of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving"


  1. The article 'between dreams and reality' really affected me. Its quite moving to read it and quite motivational too. How many times we disregard a dream bcos we dont have the faith n courage to carry it through. thats sad. Anyways, thx for posting this.

  2. Yes Chang, I agree. The article is very delicately put. Kinda motivates us to get things done !!

  3. Fame is one of my all time favs ... nice movie abt kids with a fire in their hearts and pursuing their dreams .. come what may!! Kinda similar to STEP IT UP .. but good nonetheless
